NEW 30 Day Back Care Yoga Challenge

I used to think that to cure back aches and pains you need to work with the muscles in the back, but the reality is there’s much more to a healthy spine!

I’ve condensed all my Back Care knowledge into 30 Days with my brand new 30 DAY BACK CARE CHALLENGE so that you can relieve back aches and pains, improve your posture, move more freely and feel lighter and brighter in just 4 weeks!

One Month To A Happy Back!

A 30 day journey to a stronger healthier back

Why take the Back Care yoga challenge?

Your spine is literally the 'backbone’ of your ability to move, sleep and function properly. Putting it simply, almost every movement you make comes from your spine, so taking care of your spine is super important!

Yoga offers numerous benefits for back health including:

  • Strength & Stability - poses can help you strengthen muscles in your spine as well as other key muscle groups that support your spinal health (e.g. hips and core)

  • Flexibility & Mobility - work on stretching and lengthening your back and other complementary muscle groups. This helps to reduce stiffness, alleviate tension and improve your range of motion, as well as prevent injuries.

  • Improved Posture: Through working with your different muscle groups and bringing more attention to your alignment, you can improve your posture both on and off the mat and reduce the strain on your spine.

  • Body Balance: Many of us have imbalances in our body that can contribute towards back aches and pains, e.g. a dominant side, or a ‘lazy’ / inactive muscle. Yoga can help you develop greater awareness of your body which can help you identify and correct imbalances or habits that contribute to back pain.

  • Stress & Tension Relief: As well as releasing muscular tension through stretching, practicing breathing techniques and relaxation exercises can further reduce stress and physical tension, including in your back muscles. This can alleviate muscle tightness and discomfort often associated with back pain.

I used to regularly suffer from back aches, pains and niggles from poor posture and muscle imbalances but I’ve found that yoga has been absolutely brilliant for my back. It really can help reduce aches and pains, improve posture and prevent injury.

I’ve designed this challenge to help you to take care of your back with yoga and achieve similar results! After all, a ‘happy back’ will enhance your overall wellbeing :)

So What’s Included In The Challenge?

This is a holistic challenge that combines live classes with on-demand content and a flexible approach to allow you to fit it into your busy schedule:

• An introduction to back care special class where we’ll cover some theory alongside a physical practice to help you to create space in your spine.

• Yoga Classes for Back Care (5 x live classes + 16 on-demand classes)

• Targeted stretching for back care sessions to help you lengthen tight muscles that are likely putting pressure on your spine

• Core strength for back care trainings because a strong core goes hand in hand with a strong back!

• Back mobility training sessions to help you increase your range of motion to support daily movement and prevent injury.

• Additional “Rest” meditations because reducing stress can have huge benefits for relieving tension in your back!

• A 30 day calendar to follow for the optimal way to approach this journey, and keep you motivated along the way


This challenge is free with the Worker Bee Membership or you can purchase as a standalone.

Lifetime Access - All Challenge Materials - Access From Anywhere

Live Online Classes - 150+ On-Demand Practices - Online Courses - Community + Support + MUCH MORE!

Unlimited In-Person Classes - Live Online Classes - 150+ On-Demand Practices - Online Courses - Community + Support + MUCH MORE!

Meet your teacher

Hi, I’m Hannah!

I’ve been practising yoga for 12+ years and teaching for the last couple of years. I made the jump into teaching yoga so that I can help others discover the benefits of yoga, particularly those who might be quick to dismiss it as ‘not for them’. Many of us think yogis need to be bendy, thin or spiritual but this is simply not the case - I am none of these things! 

I started Worker Bee Yoga in 2021 to help people with hectic lives find time to destress and build flexibility and strength.

My goal is to guide you to unlock the benefits of yoga for yourself. To help you feel healthier and happier. Everyone’s experience of yoga is different. With patience and practice you can achieve any goal you set, and I hope to play a small part in your journey.

If you commit to practicing yoga with me 10-15 minutes a day for this Morning Yoga Habit challenge you should notice improvements to your mood, and you’ll likely get a whole host of other benefits too - increased strength, flexibility and feeling more grounded and present!

What do people say about Hannah?

  • "I would absolutely recommend Worker Bee Yoga classes to anyone. Hannah is a fantastic teacher and makes everyone feel at ease regardless of their yoga experience or flexibility! I always feel completely relaxed and peaceful leaving class and look forward to going."

    Rose W.

  • “I love how relaxed your classes are and I can come to one to challenge myself or just to relax depending on how I feel. After almost a year of your classes the niggly aches and pains caused by my desk job have vanished and I am loads stronger and more flexible. Your classes are also always fun - you can't ask for much more!”

    Liz H.

  • "I absolutely love her classes. They're really accessible, and every class is completely different. It's a good mix of more active and restorative poses, and I always leave feeling lighter."

    Jackie P.


  • Back pain is very common (4 of 5 of us will experience it in our lifetime!)

    For most of us back aches and pains will be caused by muscle strain, injury or poor posture. This program is designed to help you to create a strong and happy back through creating space in the spine, lengthening key muscle groups and building strength to target muscle imbalances.

    Please be advised if you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

    If you are experiencing persistent or severe back pain, or if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness, or difficulty controlling your bladder or bowels, it's important to see a doctor to get medical advice and a proper diagnosis.

    If you are recovering from a back injury or have been diagnosed with a specific condition, please do talk to your doctor before you start participating in yoga classes at Worker Bee Yoga and let me know.

    We are all unique, so if you are not sure if this challenge is for you and would like to discuss things further before you commit to the challenge, please reach out to me for a confidential conversation at

  • The short answer is yes! The challenge is designed to be beginner friendly, and with the level of challenge increasing during the challenge. I design my classes to offer multiple levels so you can choose the one that suits you and your body, so every class should feel accessible to you.

    If you are brand new to yoga I would recommend considering joining the Worker Bee Membership as it includes a 4 part beginners course which provides a really solid foundation and will give you the confidence to attend live classes.

  • The full challenge is 30 days long and there is a class suggested for each of those 30 days.

    However, our lifestyles and amount of free time vary, therefore there are 3 core classes a week (a combination of live and training classes).

    There are other classes marked in the calendar that are ‘optional’ for you to choose to either practice or rest that day.

    Ultimately, you can take this program at whatever pace suits you, but a relative amount of consistency is what brings people the results they’re after!

  • The live classes range between 30 - 60 mins. Outside of these classes the majority of classes are 15 - 45 mins to make them easier to fit in your schedule.

  • You will need a yoga mat, and ideally at least one yoga brick. It’s also helpful to have a yoga strap (or dressing gown cord) and a chair/wall space handy for some of the classes.

    You may also like to have a cushion and blanket handy for comfort.

  • If you join the Worker Bee Membership the challenge is free and you will have access to the content for as long as you remain a member.

    The standalone challenge price includes the workshop and all classes (live, recordings and on-demand). If you purchase the challenge as a standalone, the content is yours to keep forever.

Have a question that’s not been answered here?

Drop me a line at and I’ll be happy to answer any other questions!