5 Ways To Stick To New Healthy Habits

The start of a New Year is often the time to think about new beginnings. As we close the end of an overindulgent festive period and you look to get back to routine, this is a great time to make some positive lifestyle changes.

I’m personally a big fan of building small healthy habits into your daily routine. It’s been proven that this can a greater positive impact on your health and wellbeing than for example doing an hour once a week in the gym.

Whether your new habits are daily or weekly, I think you’ll agree with me that it’s easy to have good intentions, but much harder to stick to them! That’s why I’ve put together my 5 top tips to create healthy habits that last…

1. Start small

Pick something that you think is easy to implement, it doesn’t take much time and feels like it’s almost too easy to implement!

Start with doing one activity for a few minutes a day! Once you’ve nailed one new habit you can always add another.

Join my Morning Yoga Habit Challenge and commit to doing a few minutes of yoga every morning! We start 8th Jan!

2. Build it into your routine

Decide when you’re going to do it, aim to do it at the same every day or week.

Top tip: try to make this time just after a regular habit you already do, for example after brushing your teeth. This technique is called “habit stacking” as it’s much easier to layer another habit on an existing established behaviour than doing it standalone.

3. Schedule it

If you’re anything like me, if it’s not in the diary it doesn’t happen! Get it in that calendar, put a daily reminder on your phone – whatever’s going to prompt you to do it!

4. Make it hard to avoid

Whether that’s putting your gym clothes out the night before you want to do a workout, or physically placing your yoga mat in the way so you trip over it… find a way to make your new activity front of mind and easier to “just get on with it!”

Get prepared by packing your bag the night before!

5. Remove extra decisions

Evidence suggests doing the same activity every day will help you stick to your new activity and establish it as a habit. So rather than doing a different yoga practice, try the same one every day for a month. It will stop you wasting precious time procrastinating on which one you should be doing. If you want to try a readymade short yoga practice check out my YouTube channel.

Join the Morning Yoga Habit Challenge

This challenge is a fantastic way to start developing a regular yoga practice to get you feeling uplifted, strong and calm.

We start 8th Jan, click the button below for all the details and to sign up!


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