The Basics of Breathwork: A Guide to Getting Started

Curious about Breathwork? Wim Hof seems to be all the rage at the moment, so unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you’ve likely heard of the term! But do you know what breathwork actually is? In this article our guest expert breathwork coach Harriette Wight (@inexhale_breathwork) shares the basics of breathwork. You’ll learn what breathwork is, the science behind it, and everything you need to know to start your own breathwork journey.

What is breathwork?

Breathwork and breath coaching is the practice consciously connecting and manipulating your breathing to change your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. Studies show that breathwork facilitates the release of stress, tension, and negative emotions stored in the body, and promote relaxation, clarity, and improved overall health. Breathwork and breath coaching has become popular in media in recent years thanks to people like Wim Hof and Stuart Sandeman but breathing and breathwork modalities have been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures across the world.

Harriette Wight, the founder of inexhale breathwork, helps individuals and groups harness the power of breathing through classes and workshops.

What is the difference between breathwork and breath coaching?

At its most basic breath coaching is where you work to modify your everyday or sports related breathing patterns to support your physical health. In contrast Breathwork utilizes breathing practices to shift your mental/ emotional state or release trauma depending on which method you are practicing.

There are many breathwork and breath coaching modalities which can roughly be bunched into the following categories:

  1. Breath coaching:

Working with a breathing coach to manage breathing challenges or dysfunctions including Asthma, Sleep Apnoea, COPD, anxiety etc. This tends to happen on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. Examples of breath coaching are the Buteyko Method. These practices predominately focus on breathing through the nose to give breathers the beautiful benefits nasal breathing affords.

 2. Mind body breathwork:

The most well know mind body breathwork method is Pranayama (yogic breathing and energy control). Mind body breathing practices focus on the connection between the body, mind and breath, giving you a method to re connect with yourself, notice and control energy shifts and have a greater sense of wellbeing. These methods tend to be more focused on nasal breathing.

3. Sports Performance breath coaching:

Sports professionals and amateurs work with coaches to increase their sports performance using their breath. Some studies have shown that sports professionals can increase their performance by up to 15 percent by simply integrating breathing practices into their sport. Depending on the sport this will be a mixture of nasal and mouth breathing but is more likely to focus on nasal breathing.

4. Integrative breathwork:

There are many different types of integrative breathwork including Wim Hof, Conscious Connected, Vortex, ReBirthing and many more. These are designed to connect to your subconscious and shift or release stuck feelings, emotions, trauma and experiences. These are powerful practices that tend to use mouth breathing.

A glimpse of Harriette in action at a recent Breathwork workshop.

Is there any science behind breathwork?

Science has started to catch up with what ancient cultures have been doing for many years. Studies are proving that breathing practices have a direct effect on our brains. Showing that breathing practices can do all of the below:

  • Change your heart rate – increase or decrease dependant on the practice

  • Change your blood pressure – increase or decrease dependant on the practice

  • Increase your circulation

  • Improve cognitive performance

  • Affect your emotions

  • Reduce Stress

  • Improve sleep

Where do I start with breathwork and breath coaching?

 First of all, ask yourself what you are looking to find from breathwork or breath coaching? If you are interested in mind body breathing then you may want to start by using practices you learn in your yoga class (that’s where I started 8 years ago) or there are lots of local in person and online breathing sessions that you can join. You can also find lots of free resources online for this, but I’d always start by attending a class.

If you are in need of some support with your breathing pattern, whether it’s for daily breathing, breathing dysfunction or sports performance then working one-to-one with a breath coach could really help you.  If you are interested in an integrative breathing practice, I strongly advise finding an in-person session near you. These practices are very powerful and should be done with a practitioner for your first time.

There are many breathing practices and modalities which can support you with your physical, emotional and mental health. Which ever method you choose to start with start with an open mind and be gentle with yourself. Happy Breathing 😊

  • Hey, I’m Harriette your friendly breathing coach. Supporting you to build a deeper connection with your breath, making life lighter, clearer and more vibrant. Strong, close friendships support us through the highs and lows of life and you can have a similar close relationship with your breath.  I work with individuals and groups using breathing and wellbeing practices to understand how your unique breathing habits are helping and hindering you. Nurturing your helpful breathing habits and creating new ones to move from feeling overwhelmed with work and life to feeling energised and excited.

    Have a question about breathwork or breath coaching? Drop me a message on socials or an email:

Try breathwork with Harriette at our upcoming Grounding Yoga + Breathwork Workshop!

Join Harriette and I for a special Grounding Yoga and Breathwork Workshop to coincide with Earth Day 2023!

During this afternoon of self-discovery we will share grounding techniques that will help you reconnect with the Earth and find calm and balance.

In this workshop Harriette will guide you through different techniques to manipulate your breath to get rid of stress and negative energy. You’ll also experience a grounding yoga flow and yoga nidra (deep rest and relaxation) with me, followed by a sharing circle with light refreshments!


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