Managing Your Energy This Spring

Ever noticed that you get more energy as soon as the days start to get longer? This is said to be due to your energy shifting from “Yin” to “Yang”!

Spring is when “Yin” turns to “Yang”

According to Chinese Medicine, Spring is when ‘yin’ turns into ‘yang’. “Yin” doesn’t just mean “Yin Yoga”. Yin is represented as dark, and mysterious; it is associated with the moon and feminine energy. Whereas Yang is bright and positive; it is associated with the sun and masculine energy. 

With your fresh energy at this time of year it’s a great time for new projects and growth. To achieve your goals and live according to your values it is inevitable that you will have to endure a certain amount of stress, uncertainty and anxiety.

However, you can find balance from this frenetic Spring energy with downtime that allows you to de-stress and return to a neutral state… to achieve this you need to proactively schedule time for rest and self-care!

It’s the time of year for balance…

Spring is a great time of year to explore balance for yourself in different ways:

1. Seek balance between tension and relaxation with your physical practice

Embrace your new Yang energy with more dynamic movement and more strenuous poses to actively engage your muscles. Combine this with a juicy relaxation at the end of the class, or if you are trying to build a daily practice – spend some days practicing slower yin poses, meditation or Yoga Nidra to tap into your “Yin” energy.

2. Play with balance poses in your yoga practice

Another way of exploring balance is quite literally on your mat! Although you may think of poses like Tree, Dancer and Warrior III pose when you think of balance, you don’t have to be standing to be balancing – think Bridge or Plank pose where you are on your hands and feet. Balance poses are a great way to build physical strength as well as quieten the mind as they usually require you to be in the moment concentrating on what you are doing.

If you are working on your balance poses, check out my top tips here.

3. Explore balancing your energy levels off the mat!

With your fresh energy at this time of year it’s a great time for new projects and growth. To achieve your goals and live according to your values it is inevitable that you will have to endure a certain amount of stress, uncertainty and anxiety. However, you can find balance from this frenetic Spring energy with downtime that allows you to de-stress and return to a neutral state… to achieve this you need to proactively schedule time for rest and self-care!

Explore balance for yourself this Spring!

If you are interested in exploring balance at Spring for yourself then you might be interested in joining the Spring workshop I’m co-hosting with Donna Crawley. You’ll experience the energising “Yang” of a Slow Flow practice to awaken your body from hibernation and shift your stagnant winter energy. You’ll then counterbalance this “Yang” you’ve created with “Yin” energy as you experience deep relaxation with a Yoga Nidra practice and Sound Bath.


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