Celebrate Summer Solstice 2023: Embrace the Radiance of the Longest Day


As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, we welcome the enchanting phenomenon known as the summer solstice. It takes place on the 21st June, the longest day of the year. It holds lots of significance in many cultures, symbolising the peak of light and the abundance of nature. In this blog post, we will explore what summer solstice is, delve into traditions from the past, and provide you with 7 ideas to celebrate the summer solstice in 2023, even when you have a busy working week!

What is Summer Solstice?

The summer solstice occurs when the Earth's axial tilt is at its maximum, resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the year. It marks the official beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the height of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

hands at sunrise

The summer solstice is said to represent the apex of the year's energy, where the power of the sun reaches its peak before gradually waning. During the first half of the year, when the light is growing, our focus is on action and achievement. Summer solstice marks the turning point in the year where our energy draws inwards. We welcome the dark second half of the year as an opportunity to rest, recuperate and regenerate after the frenetic activity of the first half of the year.

This transition from light to dark at summer solstice is often seen as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. It’s a great time of year to reflect on your own personal journey and make intentions for the future. At the year’s turning point from light to dark, we can pause and reflect on our first half of the year, and how we wish to use the darker part of the year ahead for inner growth.

Ancient Traditions For Summer Solstice

This astronomical event has been revered and celebrated by civilizations throughout history. Here’s three examples of ancient traditions to celebrate the summer solstice.

  1. Midsummer Festivals: Nordic cultures held exuberant midsummer festivals to celebrate the summer solstice. These festivals often involved communal gatherings, bonfires, and traditional dances. People would dress in vibrant attire, adorn themselves with flowers, and create wreaths to wear as crowns, symbolizing the blossoming of nature. The bonfires served both practical and symbolic purposes, providing warmth and light during the shortest night while also warding off evil spirits.

  2. Litha Celebrations: In Pagan and Wiccan traditions, the summer solstice is known as Litha. It is considered one of the eight Sabbats or seasonal festivals celebrated throughout the year. Litha represents the peak of the sun's power and the longest day of the year. Pagans would perform rituals and ceremonies to honor the sun, focusing on themes of light, fire, and abundance. These rituals often involved dancing, chanting, and making offerings to the sun and the earth.

  3. Stonehenge: Stonehenge, located in England, stands as one of the most iconic sites associated with the summer solstice. Built thousands of years ago, its construction aligns with the sunrise on the solstice. Ancient druids and pagans would gather at Stonehenge to witness the first rays of sunlight on this significant day. It was believed to be a sacred space where the alignment of the stones amplified the energy of the sun, marking a time of fertility, growth, and abundance.

By exploring these ancient traditions and customs, we can draw inspiration for our own modern-day celebrations of the summer solstice.

Celebrating Summer Solstice In 2023

I encourage you to find a way that works for you to mark this magical time of year. Here’s my top 7 modern-day summer solstice celebrations you can easily try to allow you to pause and reflect and encourage personal growth;

1. Sun Salutations: Begin your summer solstice celebration by performing a series of Sun Salutations, a flowing sequence of yoga poses that pay homage to the sun.

2. Sunrise Meditation: Rise early and find a serene spot to meditate as the sun ascends, filling the world with its radiant energy.

3. Nourishing Foods: Prepare a delicious meal using seasonal fruits and vegetables. Incorporate vibrant colors and fresh flavors into your dishes to celebrate the vitality of summer.

4. Water Cleansing Ritual: Take a dip in the sea, a lake, or a pool to cleanse and purify your body and mind. Visualise any negativity or stress being washed away, leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated.

5. Gratitude Journaling: Dedicate some time to write down the things you are grateful for. Reflect on the positive aspects of your life and express gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead.

6. Outdoor Yoga: Practice yoga in your garden, allowing yourself to connect with nature and embrace the sunlight of the solstice.

7. Candle Meditation: Light a candle in a quiet space, focusing on its flame as you reflect on your intentions for the coming season. Take this opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace new beginnings.


As the summer solstice approaches, why not embrace the transformative power of the sun and the energy of the longest day! I hope this blog has inspired you to find a small way to honour this celestial event and create space for some personal reflection.


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