Why Try A Sound Bath?

Heard of a ‘sound bath’ or ‘sound healing’ but not sure what it is? Perhaps you’re curious about what goes on in a session or how it works?

I spoke to an amazing local sound therapist, Donna Crawley, about all things sound healing. The below interview gives you everything you need to know (and might not want to ask!) before you attend your first sound bath.

Donna is a sound therapist, reiki practitioner and crystal healer in Letchworth. Donna began her journey with different healing modalities back in 2016 when she experienced Sound Healing for herself and fell in love. She has now set out to help others in the same way Sound, Crystals and Reiki have helped her. She uses a variety of modalities to help people feel more balanced, relaxed and aligned within themselves. Check out her instagram here.

Recently it feels like sound baths are all the rage! Going back to basics for someone that has never experienced one before, what is a sound bath or sound healing?

The practice of sound healing is the use of sound and different instruments played in therapeutic ways to improve physical, emotional and and mental well-being.

How did you discover sound healing?

I first discovered sound healing around 2016 when I attended a group sound bath locally. I felt an amazing sense of relaxation during the session and uplifted energy afterwards. In more recent years I have been interested in learning how to carry out sound healing myself, to further benefit my clients.

How does it work?

Sound healing encourages the brain to enter the Theta brain wave state, which is what state the brain is in when you are drifting off to sleep, or in deep relaxation & meditation. When your brain is in this state and the body is fully relaxed, the highest level of healing can take place. Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency, so during a sound bath the vibrations given off actually interact with the cells of the body, and encourage healing.

Why should someone try sound healing? What are the benefits?

There are many benefits to sound healing, with the most reported being :

  • Reduced stress

  • Fewer mood swings

  • Lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels

  • Better pain management

  • Improved sleep

It has also been shown to help improve the following conditions: 

  • Depression

  • Anxiety disorders

  • PTSD

  • Sleep disorders

  • Aches and pains

  • And many more!

Ok this all sounds good in theory, but is there any science or research to back this up?

There has been a lot of scientific studies on sound and the body, and the benefits of sound healing for a number of ailments.

For instance A 2005 study measured the body’s electric responses to the playing of quartz crystal bowls by recording electrodermal readings of different acupuncture meridians on the hands and feet. The participants’ left hands and right feet showed increases and decreases, respectively, in energetic readings during the playing of the bowls.

A 2013 study took 100 ICU participants and split them into two groups (control group and music intervention group) Participants in the music intervention group received a private 10-minute harp concert in their hospital rooms, while patients in the control group were instructed to simply lie quietly and relax during the 10-minute period. Patients who experienced the music intervention reported a 27% average decrease in pain, while patients in the control group did not report a difference in level of pain. 

Ok I’m sold! But what actually happens during a sound bath session?

A session will begin with clients getting nice and comfy on their yoga mat, maybe with a blanket, pillow, eye pillow and/or knee bolster. Anything that makes you cosy! Clients are then encourage to take some nice deep breaths, and focus on the breath as they allow the body to relax. I will then begin to play koshi chimes, a rainstick and Tibetan bowls.

A full sound bath is 45 mins, and when the sound bath is over, clients will be left for a few minutes in silence. This time is called shunyata which means the ‘sacred space’ in Sanskrit. It is a profound, deep sound of silence that is as important as the sound bath itself. It is a time to absorb the quiet and peace while the sound frequencies are still working energetically on your body.

I will then encourage clients to start slowly wiggling their fingers and toes and coming back into the room from their meditation. People can feel a little spacey after a sound bath so you will be encouraged to take all the time you need!

Does anybody fall asleep during a sound bath?

Yes quite often people fall asleep! This is perfectly fine and normal, and clearly means your body is fully relaxed! The sound is intentionally relaxing and the sound waves are said to activate your body’s natural healing abilities which often means ‘sleep’ to the body.

You will still be benefiting from the sound bath just the way you ought to whether you are awake or asleep.

How do people normally feel after a sound bath? Is there a ‘typical sound bath experience’?

Clients often say they come to a session feeling like life is fast paced, their minds are racing and they are feeling tense or stressed. After a session they report feeling very relaxed, calm, clear minded, grounded, and more at peace.

Clients often report ‘switching off from the outside world’ during a sound bath which helps them to fully relax, which is just what we all need in this crazy world! 

Do you have any tips or advice for sound bath newbies? What can they do to get the most out of a sound healing session?

Bring anything along to help you get comfy and cosy for the sound bath.

Try not to worry about falling asleep, or what you ‘should’ be doing during the sound bath. It is time just for you to relax and let the sound do the work.

Lay in any position comfortable to you, you do not need to lay flat on your back for example. 

Some people like to share experiences at the end, whilst this is not the case for others. There is absolutely no pressure to say anything after session.

Is there anything else that you’d like to share about sound baths that we haven’t covered?

Different sounds will interact with different people in a number of ways. There may be some sounds that you aren’t keen on, but these are usually the sounds your body needs the most to help release built up tension and energetic blockages! 

Thank you so much for sharing your insight with us Donna!

If this has sparked your curiosity about sound healing, you can experience a beautiful sound bath with Donna at our Spring Workshop!

Following our sold-out Winter Yoga + Sound Healing workshop, Donna and I are teaming up once more for a Spring workshop!

According to Chinese Medicine, it is when ‘yin’ turns into ‘yang’. Join us for a workshop to prepare your body to awaken from hibernation, and shift your stagnant energy ready for the new season ahead.

This workshop will leave you feeling energised, calm and grounded… ready to grow and flourish with the season ahead.


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