Join the FREE 5 Day Boost Challenge!

    Are you ready to boost your mood, energy and self-esteem?

    This challenge is for you if…

    ☑️ You want to practice yoga and meditation but struggle to fit it in

    ☑️ You want to deepen your yoga practice without getting too serious or spiritual

    ☑️ You’re new to yoga or had a break and want to get back to it

    ☑️ You’re ready to make a change to improve your health and wellbeing

    ☑️ You want accountability and support to keep you motivated

      Join me in this challenge to boost your energy, mood and confidence in 5 days.


      Develop your yoga toolkit and learn how to…


      Uplift your mood.


      Increase your energy levels.


      Practice self-care.


      Find calm and clarity.



      Appreciate your body.


      Join the FREE 5 Day Boost Challenge!

        Here’s how the challenge works…

        ⚡ Start with our welcome ceremony to kickstart the challenge with a live practice and goal setting  

        ⚡ Commit to five days of short yoga exercises, made easy with daily video practices straight to your inbox

        ⚡ Put pen to paper to complete the challenge workbook that’ll help you feel inspired, empowered and at ease

        ⚡ Attend the closing ceremony to celebrate our week together!


        ✨BONUS FREE live yoga class Weds 14th 7.15pm GMT ✨

        When you sign up you’ll receive all the information including zoom links for the live sessions, plus a calendar and workbook to accompany the challenge.

        Hi, I’m Hannah

        I’ve been practising yoga for more than ten years. Last year I made the jump into teaching yoga so that I can help others discover the benefits of yoga, particularly those who might be quick to dismiss it as ‘not for them’. Many of us think yogis need to be bendy, thin or spiritual but this is simply not the case - I am none of these things! 

        I started Worker Bee Yoga in 2021 to help people with hectic lives find time to destress and build flexibility and strength.

        My goal is to guide you to unlock the benefits of yoga for yourself. To help you build flexibility and strength. To find ways to destress and relax. Everyone’s experience of yoga is different. With patience and practice you can achieve any goal you set, and I hope to play a small part in your journey.

        Do a short practice with me for 5 days and you will feel the positive impact on your physical and mental health.

        Here’s what some of my community are saying…

        Join the FREE 5 Day Boost Challenge!