How to get back into yoga after a break

If you’ve had a hiatus from your mat, it can feel daunting to restart your practice… Maybe you’re feeling a bit stiff, worried that your body won’t move into the same positions as before or you’re feeling rusty about your technique? Fear not! Here’s 4 top tips to get back into your yoga practice after a break.

1. Remove judgement

After a break it’s tempting to think that you’ll be able to pick up your physical practice where you left off. However, if you’ve not practiced for a long time you may need to build up your strength and flexibility. Don’t beat yourself up. Instead, be kind to yourself. It’s all part of your journey.

2. Take it slow

Be realistic about your expectations. A daily practice is a great ambition but if you are starting from scratch can you commit to once or twice a week to start with? Don’t forget, yoga does not need to be a 30-60 minute practice, even just a few minutes can have lots of benefits! (Click here to learn 7 surprising reasons you should practice yoga regularly!)

3. Focus on the benefits

Come back to why you want to practice yoga, how good it makes you feel! This might be about toning up or finding calm and clarity in your mind. You can use these reasons to create your own mantras (phrases to repeat to yourself) to help your motivation. For example, “I am strong and powerful” or “I am calm and clear-headed”.

Top tip: If you try this technique it’s important to use the present tense for how you want to feel even if you’re not feeling it yet!

4. Practice with others

Rather than getting back into yoga at home alone in front of YouTube, practicing with others as part of a group is really beneficial if you are looking to transition back into your regular yoga practice.

Being part of a yoga community can give you accountability, support your progress and connect you with likeminded people. Ultimately you’ll have more fun as you re-establish your yoga routine!

If you want structure, support and accountability to return to your regular yoga practice then you might want to consider joining the Worker Bee membership.

The doors of our friendly community are now OPEN to welcome new yoga students! Click the button below to find out more!


6 tips to help you develop a regular yoga practice


7 Surprising Reasons Why You Need A Regular Yoga Practice