6 tips to help you develop a regular yoga practice

Want to practice yoga more often but struggling to make it happen? Developing a regular yoga practice will help you make faster progress towards your health and wellbeing goals. However, it’s easier said than done! In this article you’ll find my top 6 tips to help you to develop a regular yoga practice for yourself.

1. Set your goal

Think about what you want to regularly practice yoga for… is it to reduce stress, increase flexibility, build strength or simply about finding time for you? Thinking about why you want to develop your regular practice can help you commit to it. There’s so many benefits to yoga - to discover 7 surprising benefits of a regular yoga practice click here.

2. Make a commitment

Think about how often you are going to commit to practicing yoga. This commitment is a deal with yourself and you can reward yourself if you hit it! If you are starting from zero think about practicing once or twice a week and building from there! Remember it doesn’t have to be a 30 or 60 minute class, regularly stepping on your mat for 5-20 mins can be extremely beneficial for your health.

Bonus tip: it doesn’t always have to be a physical practice! Consider meditation or breathwork as a calmer alternative to your downward facing dog.

3. Schedule it

Decide what days of the week you will practice and what time of day. Think about your energy levels and how it might fit in with your calendar. Now you’ve got your plan, put it in your diary and set a reminder! Putting this in your diary is helping you commit this time for yourself. It can also help you establish your yoga practice as a regular habit 

4. Follow a structure

Have you ever decided to do a yoga or workout video but then spent longer finding one you want to do than actually doing it?! The trick to avoid this indecision and make the most of your allocated yoga time is to know what you’re going to practice in advance.

In the Worker Bee membership you can follow a clear pathway to developing your regular yoga practice, starting with the 7 Days of Yoga. In this short online course you’ll progress through 7 different yoga practices between 5 and 20 minutes.

The Worker Bee Membership doors are currently OPEN! Sign up now: £1 for 7 Days and kickstart your yoga practice!

You can take the 7 Days of Yoga at your own pace – either complete it in 7 days or space it out depending on what your personal commitment is.

5. Make it easy

The day before your practice get out your yoga clothes as well as your yoga mat and props. This can serve as a visual reminder for the following day. Having everything out and ready will also make it get easier to get your bum on that mat!

6. Buddy up

Tell a friend what you are doing and ask them to check in with you, or even better you can do it together! Having someone ask about how you are getting on can be a great motivator to stick with it!

If you want structure, support and accountability to develop and deepen your yoga practice to feel healthier and happier then you might be interested in the Worker Bee Yoga membership.

The membership doors are OPEN! Click here to find out more and take your yoga practice to the next level!


7 Days Of Yoga: Start developing a regular yoga practice


How to get back into yoga after a break