Top 5 Surprising Self-Care Activities You Must Try

Self-care isn’t selfish – it's a basic survival skill, like knowing how to boil an egg. Life's a bit mental sometimes, and taking care of yourself is like putting on your oxygen mask before helping others on that turbulent flight.

Think of it as charging your phone. You wouldn't expect it to work without juice, right? Well, you're the same. You can't be your best self without a bit of self-care.

Forget the clichés – self-care isn't all about spa days or bubble baths. It's about reclaiming time for you, without the hefty spa price tag.

In this article I’m sharing the top 5 surprising self-care activities that can help you recharge your batteries for free. Let’s dive in!

1.     Setting Boundaries

Think of boundaries as your personal guide to navigating life without feeling totally drained. They help you limit your time, energy, and emotional investments, and can protect you from stress and even burnout.

So, what are boundaries? They're like the rules you set for yourself, deciding what's cool and what's not in your life. It's about saying, "Hey, this is my time, my energy, and my space, and I'm not letting anything mess with it."

It's about saying "yes" to things that light you up and make you happy, and guess what? It's also about saying a confident "no" to stuff that feels like it's draining you.

Imagine this: you're like a superhero protecting your own time, energy, and emotions. When you set boundaries, you're basically putting on your cape and saying, "Hey world, I matter, and so does my well-being!"

So, saying no? It's not being mean or selfish. It's a power move. It's you taking charge of your life and making sure you've got enough left in the tank for the things that really matter to you. You're giving yourself the freedom to be you without feeling stretched in a million directions. 

2.     Journaling

Journaling is the process of capturing what’s going on in your life. It’s a way of capturing and processing your thoughts and emotions.

Journaling has many scientific benefits including reducing stress, boosting your mood, reducing blood pressure, helping you achieve goals, find inspiration and boost your memory.

Studies have even shown that it can help you sleep better, boost your immune system and increase your IQ!

Source: New York Times

There is no right or wrong way to journal, but there are quite a few styles or prompts you can take inspiration from. If you’re curious about starting journaling check out my article: What is Journaling & How To Start here:

3.     Social Connection

Humans are naturally social beings, and our relationships with people around us can have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, "When people are socially connected and have stable and supportive relationships, they are more likely to make healthy choices and to have better mental and physical health outcomes. They are also better able to cope with hard times, stress, anxiety, and depression."

One of the things I like most about my yoga classes and in-person events is the opportunity to connect as a group, and I hope that Worker Bee can be a safe space for you to connect with others. In fact after my in-person events I always get the feedback that you've appreciated the time to chat with other people in the session.

You can try a class for free – either online or in-person – here! 

4.     Reading

It's not just about escaping to Hogwarts or solving a crime with Sherlock – turns out, science backs up the magic of reading.

Research says that diving into a good read does wonders for your brain. First off, it's like a mini-holiday for your brain, reducing stress levels quickly. It's also good for your mental gymnastics, too – improves focus, concentration, and gives your memory a workout. It's like giving your brain a workout without breaking a sweat – unless you're gripping the book in suspense, of course.

But it's not all serious. Reading is a proven mood booster. It's like Netflix for your brain, offering drama, laughs, and everything in between. And guess what? Whether you're battling dragons or solving crimes, you're picking up life lessons without even realising.

5. Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning "yogic sleep" is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation.

Also called "psychic sleep," yoga nidra is a state between sleeping and waking. The body is completely relaxed and the practitioner turns the awareness inward by listening to a set of instructions; much like a guided meditation. 

Source: Yogapedia

Yoga Nidra is an ancient yoga practice that modern science has proven can reduce stress and anxiety, heal the body including reducing muscle aches and chronic pain and increase your energy, focus, and sleep.

If you’re curious about yoga nidra, then for a limited time you can get the replay of my Introduction to Yoga Nidra workshop for £13.99.

This session is a combination of theory and yoga nidra practice. Learn what's actually happening to your body and mind during a yoga nidra practice and why it's so good for your health, as well as experience the state of deep relaxation for yourself... with not just one but two different practices!



I know many of you struggle to take any time for yourself. You give a lot to others. But self-care isn’t selfish… Self-care is about taking care of yourself – recharging your batteries and boosting your mood – so that you are able to better look after those around you. And it doesn’t have to be a massage or bubble bath!

So now you’ve read the top 5, I challenge you to schedule some 'me-time' and treat yourself to a relaxing activity… any of the above or something else! So, whether it's a chat with a old friend, a good book, or a relaxing yoga nidra – do you, and do it unapologetically. Because 'you're worth it! 😊


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